Sunday 29 January 2012

Wind on the Witte Rivier

A ruffling southeaster
soon after dawn
ripples a Wellington mountain pool
to wake and blink
then wink white, as if light
layed on these reachless deeps
knowingly hints
at the dazzling presence
gusted and circling in whispers

Water arms furl under the breeze
pushing waves to the banks
countless stones clack in as many fingers

These unfreighted rocks 
under wind on the water
ask seasons of heaviness
changing my gaze 
to answer the blustery now
of this river’s frank youth

All I can say? Yes! I am here
to be torrent roughed, tousled
and cooled
like today’s first sun
to answer God’s voice over water
like a lad half clothed whoops
ankle deep in the daybreak
all sparkled
then finding breath

Allen Goddard